"From, Just Noah" Nursing Annual Scholarship

UNTHSC College of Nursing Associate Dean and Chair for Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Rebecca Burns and her husband, Mr. Todd Burns have established the “From, Just Noah” Nursing Annual Scholarship in loving memory of their late son Noah Burns. Noah was a very kind and giving person, who would want his legacy of selflessness to live on. While never wanting even the smallest acknowledgement for the level of generosity he offered others, Noah did however ensure his family was aware of his thoughtfulness, as he valued our opinion of him the most. Specifically, he would close each note, letter, or card with his signature “From, Just Noah”, letting us know the uniqueness held within the words originated for him and him alone. Let this scholarship be a reminder of his kindness and the unique value each recipient offers to others along their path. Being kind is free and affordable to all, but the impact it creates is priceless.

“From, Just Noah” Nursing Annual Scholarship Criteria:

Recipient must be accepted and enrolled in any UNTHSC College of Nursing undergraduate degree program.

The ideal recipient will possess the attributes of kindness, generosity and a genuinely caring demeanor, and first preference is for a recipient who has overcome personal or professional obstacles to obtain a nursing degree, including but not limited to mental health disorders.

College of Nursing