John F. Gaugl Endowed Scholarship

The John F. Gaugl Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of former HSC employee, Dr. John F. Gaugl. Dr. Gaugl founded TCOM’s Physiology Department in 1971 and died of breast cancer in July of 1997. He loved teaching and loved his medical students, so much so that he continued to lecture throughout two years of chemotherapy treatments, never missing a class. This scholarship was created to honor Dr. Gaugl by supporting outstanding SBS students in the Integrative Physiology Discipline.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Pursuing a degree in Biomedical Sciences
  • Must be in good academic standing
  • Must meet federal guidelines for financial need. Applicants must complete the entire FAFSA process by May 1st.
  • Must be in the Integrative Physiology Discipline

Recipient must maintain the above requirements to receive the scholarship for subsequent semesters. Failure to do so could result in a loss of scholarship benefits.

Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.

