Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

Open to all students. Any Rand’s novels are inspiring and intellectually challenging. But they can also be financially rewarding for high school and college students. The Ayn Rand Institute sponsors annual essay contests that offer 600 prizes and $100,000 in prize money every year. Ayn Rand�s novels contain many elements that appeal to young readers. They are inspiring and exciting stories with heroic characters fighting for their ideals. The novels portray events of profound, timeless significance, challenging readers to decide not just what will happen to particular characters, but what their own lives and the world should be like. 12th graders, undergrads, grads; no application required; open worldwide; essay no fewer than 800 and no more than 1600 words and double spaced; pick one of 3 topics listed on their website. Deadline is normally mid-September/October each year.

1st prize $10k, 3-second prize $2k, 5 third prizes $1k; 25 finalists $100; 50 semifinalists $50