Truck Accident Injury Scholarship

Open to All students. The attorneys of Truck Accident Attorneys Roundtable are pleased to offer our third annual scholarship for college students who are survivors of truck accidents and have overcome their injuries while pursuing an education.

Every year we dedicate a portion of our fees to truck safety and truck accident prevention. This year we have also created a truck accident injury scholarship for the survivors of truck accidents.

Our attorneys help people injured in truck accidents. We want to lend a hand to those who have survived and who are demonstrating resolve and determination to rebuild their lives. We also want to recognize individual acts of heroism and hard work, as this scholarship serves as an important reminder that each and every person injured in a truck accident is a person, not a number or a claim. Today, the trucking industry often puts profits ahead of safety. When personal injuries and pain and suffering are given average dollar settlement values, we lose sight of what it means when someone is hurt in a serious crash and how drastically a life can be changed.

Our annual scholarship of $500 will be awarded to one applicant in 2017.
