April T. Enard, D.O. TCOM Scholarship

Dr. April Enard, TCOM Graduate 2011, Board Certified in Family Medicine and OMT. The desire and passion behind this scholarship is a personal one and is completely funded by me. I am a Black, American female physician and I never saw a doctor that looked like me on my journey to becoming a doctor. It is important to see yourself in careers that you desire to achieve. Representation matters. Black and Hispanic Americans remain disproportionately represented in the medical field. The percentage of physicians who are Black has only increased 4% in the last 120 years and the number of Black male doctors has not changed at all since 1940. In the United States, less than 15% of all doctors entering medical school are Black and Hispanic or Latino, which falls very short of representing the nation’s diversity. The lack of diversity continues for many fields of medicine. My hope is that the recipients of this scholarship will continue into careers in medicine and change the statistics by increasing representation. This scholarship is aimed to decrease financial burden and award achievement to entering underrepresented medical students.

Scholarship Criteria:

Must be a first-year TCOM student.
Good academic standing.
Scholarships are open to all students who meet the criteria, however preference will be given to underrepresented students.

Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine